175 photos   8169 visits

0 Heey

Heeey. ;D
I'm Mandy Jiroux. I am new here. :]
<3 xo Manderz'Smanderz (: Hehe.
whats going on? ;3
whats going on? ;3
aww. so sweet. I love this picture
aww. so sweet. I love this picture
so cute
so cute

Comments • 5

AndreKaulitz 6 December 2010  
nice to meeet u
xDemiLovatoxD 6 December 2010  
Sorry, poser.:(
JirouxFever 5 December 2010  
U make me cry :'(
Why are you posing my idol? Whyyy? :O
MileyRayMe 5 December 2010  
Heey @princess !! :] I am ur Milxxx << How are u? <33
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