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0 A simple question - Do you believe me

Hey guys it's Mandy (: Wazzap ? ;/

I have a simple question and I really need your answer :)

> Do you believe in me <
- Yes 100% - Awh thank you sooo much. :] <33
-Maybe 50% - Owh, it's ok. I still love you. (: xD
-No 0% - Whaa` I don't care luvie. <3 It's ok,thanks for trying! :D
Yes 100% - Auchhh thanks a lot. YaaaY
Yes 100% - Auchhh thanks a lot. YaaaY
Maybe 50% - Its ok , I still love you Haha_xD
Maybe 50% - Its ok , I still love you Haha_xD
No 0% - Yah, whatever , thats your problem Babe
No 0% - Yah, whatever , thats your problem Babe

Comments • 3

PurpleAngelxD 7 December 2010  
YourNotRealButYouAre 7 December 2010  
Depends have you got formspring
CarolineCosta 6 December 2010  
Yes :)
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